I got an email from combatarmssettlement.com that they have made my distribution. It’s not in my account yet but I’m hoping by the end of the week. My FIFO group is V and # is approximately 157K
Anyone seen this yet?
Hey everyone! We're a lively and ambitious guild, looking for new members to join our journey to secure Top 50 Arma & Top 50 Events in the long run! We got Top 59 last Event & Top 57 last Arma with 14 consistent participants.
* Armageddon time: 11 - 12 UTC.
* Participate in Arma & Guild Events.
* Total cp >= 450k (negotiable. Lower than 450k cp is okay based on your teams). The most important thing is the willingness to grind.
* Join Nightfall's Discord Server for strategy discussion & chatting.
* Try to be active, especially on Armageddon days.
If u have any questions feel free to ask me here or one of us on Discord:
Hello! I really need someone to please dm me a free pdf link for Learning and Memory: From Brain to Behavior (2020) by Mark A. Gluck, Eduardo Mercado, Catherine E Myers. I have been trying to go into libgen but it isn't working, and I tried other sources that try to get it for free but still nothing. I won't be able to afford it which is only heightening my worry. Thank you in advance!
We previously had the engine in an Eg5 but we decided to move it to the del Sol because we will make the Eg5 H22 but turbo, we had to rebuild the entire front part because the car did not have it and in my country it is quite difficult to find spare parts for it.
Hoje presenciei uma cena que me causou muito desconforto.
Faço parte de um grupo de WhatsApp da minha faculdade de nutrição, onde um dos moderadores, o Cabo da PM de São Paulo, Lucca Larroyd Cavanholi, frequentemente utiliza o espaço para disparar ofensas. Essas ofensas, não por coincidência, são direcionadas especialmente às mulheres do grupo.
O silêncio diante da grosseria dele tem sido constante. Porém, hoje, uma das participantes decidiu não se calar. Ela se levantou sozinha, com coragem e determinação, contra a atitude desse homem — ou melhor, desse covarde que insiste em se impor pelo desrespeito.
O que mais me incomodou foi que todas as outras mulheres, inclusive eu, permanecemos em silêncio. Esse silêncio me pesa. Ele é o reflexo de uma cultura que tenta nos ensinar a baixar a cabeça diante da violência, da intimidação, e do machismo.
Mas hoje eu decidi quebrar esse silêncio. Decidi expor o nome desse homem — se é que ele merece ser chamado assim — para que o mundo saiba: a violência tem rosto, e ela precisa ser enfrentada, desafiada e vencida.
Não nos calaremos mais. Cada vez que nos erguemos, cada vez que damos voz umas às outras, construímos uma sociedade mais justa, mais igualitária e mais respeitosa para todas. Porque ser mulher é lutar, é resistir, e é, acima de tudo, se empoderar e se apoiar.
Que isso sirva de lembrete: nossas vozes são nossa força. E juntas, somos invencíveis.
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I was taking action shots during combat. Scrolled through my captures and I spotted this.
First time I've seen someone with legs like that.. Did she have shoes on beforehand? lol
for me it's when a game has accessories and armour with different icons/looks but it doesn't change the characters actual look, it just kills any motivation for me to bother getting new gear and usually stops me from playing the game entirely
Rheem rp1648aj2na - 4 Ton 16 seer two stage heat pump. 3000 Sqft home set to 66 at 62 right now on Aux alone.
Best I can tell, can’t use my heat pump past 10-15° and Aux Heat strip has been running like crazy this week in Columbus Ohio. It seems to struggle at sub 10° to keep the house warm and even the basement vent 10 feet away from the handler is barely warm.
My heat strip is model RXBH-24A20J 14.4/19.2 KW from model info. I know some of these can be used in staging Aux heat. is it possible the tech who installed our heat pump decided I'd never need the secondary stage Aux heat or does my system not need the 2nd W wire to fully utilize my heat strips?
Also side bar: what’s with the permanent marker over what I assume was a serial number? Feels suspect.
You guys and gals rock.🤝
Hello, I run a podcast called The Mega Monster Mash Variety Power Hour 3000 (found on Youtube) with a cohost and we are looking for interesting guests. The guests can be interesting in any way and honestly could even be boring. We are looking to bring on some people to talk about anything they'd like with us. I'm also open to doing other podcasts with or without my cohost. I am an interesting person and would make a great guest. DM me for more information! I will respond to them all.
Oh man, I just became unhinged in a discussion post. Honestly, really politically charged and I am assuming I'll be getting an F. Man, was it cathartic though. Anybody ever just....ya know, go all out in a discussion post?
Like why don’t u have insurance for ur Goats already like what do ur goats think abt that. Even if u think u don’t have goats u prob do and they just live in ur wallz so get insurance for them u weirdo
Angel eyes work with the headlights but I cannot get them to turn on by themselves. I have input what I believe to be all the correct settings in bc but when i switch the headlight selector to off or drl no bulbs turn on….plz help I’ll Zelle $20 if it gets solved.
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